S2A - Where Academic Achievement is a Team Sport

Academic Fitness Network (AFN) provides an Academic Coach and team members who care about your success in high school. Together you will learn the skills needed to achieve your potential and accomplish your personal goals.

AFN links you to a network of support and connects you with school and community resources. We individualize your four year high school plan and track your progress toward your goals. We build on your strengths and teach you new skills. Our goal is to see each team member grow academically and personally throughout high school, reach his academic goals, and graduate with post high school plans.

The AFN system has inspired students to achieve for 20 years. AFN is not a short term fix or a trendy program. Since our beginning, we have provided an ongoing program of continuing academic encouragement and support for hundreds of high school students who simply want to achieve their potential.
IF you have a desire to reach your academic potential,
IF you are willing to be a AFN team player,
If you participate continuously for 2 or more semesters,